Enterprise razor barbed wire budget preparation rationality depend on enterprise strategic target, however, the strategic goal that enterprise leaders and the board on the razor wire basis of analysis of enterprise survival environment, including the national macro policies, industry development trend, the competition status, and formulated barbed wire the enterprise marketing, product research and development, investment and financing strategy etc, more important is the combination of actual operation razor situation and enterprise in the implementation of the budget forecast analysis. So the prediction model based on budget has a barbed very important factor. For example in petroleum industry, budgeting process and the results and international oil price wire has west Texas intermediate (WTI) (of) is very strong. The price of crude oil demand and has a direct relationship, razor barbed wire the trend of oil demand growth in ascension, oil prices will stimulate increase oil production promotion, when the supply, high razor wire level and will flatten and vice versa. In the international price changes, objectively exists linear trend. In addition, often have barbed wire some mutations that oil prices. Therefore, the change of international oil prices and the linear wave form is objective existence.Green razor Manufacturing (Green Manufacturing) is a comprehensive consideration of the environmental influence and resources utilization efficiency of advanced Manufacturing mode, its barbed goal is to make products from the design, Manufacturing, packaging, transport and use to scrap the production cycle of treatment, wire waste resources and binds the smallest, resource utilization. Can say, green manufacturing is the mechanism of implementing sustainable development strategy razor barbed wire of enterprises is the important component. The enterprise should change the mechanism of production, circulation and consumption and waste razor wire production mode, open cycle in product design and manufacturing process yellow always considered fully recycle problem, In the original production barbed wire mode increase a "recovery" link to establish a mechanism of enterprise characteristic of green manufacturing system closed cycle: using materials, razor green energy, through the green production process of green product output. Strictly follow the ISO9000 international quality standard and ISO14000 barbed series of international environmental standards, by adopting the green manufacturing technology, minimize negative impact on environment, the raw material and wire energy utilization reaches the highestIn macroeconomic expected worsening current, steel and circulation traders had faded accept "jin jiuyin 10" expectations razor barbed wire eventually became the bubble. Since September GangShi has not simple domestic use "is" to describe, "crash" two characters may be razor wire more appropriate. According to the statistics, the Shanghai market Mysteel 10.17 cold 4470 price, 1.0 mm 20mm yuan/ton, price of barbed wire rebar 3210 yuan/ton, 3 mm hot-rolled price 3600 yuan/ton, 6.5 mm.some price 3,100 yuan/ton, were more early September 30, 36% razor drop, 37 percent and 37%. Especially since October into consideration, the steel plate, the speed of 10.17 decrease, the price barbed of each type of relatively late September 10-14 as absolute drop yuan/ton, relative decline about 22-32%. Comparison between September and wire October dropped plank brought heavy falls is building steel. Steel price collapse of inducing investigation, we think basically has: razor barbed wire 1) high significantly lower steel producer prices to truly reflect the market supply and demand (such as baosteel has announced razor wire the whole factory price cuts on December 8-10 yuan/ton), causing instabilityŁ» shang mentality circulation 2) clinch a deal the continuous barbed wire light forced circulation contractor cut orders, steel sales pressure increases, 3) raw material of currencies that steel price lose cost razor support, 4) after the arrival of the steel on social stock soared, especially the plank of the late selling pressure barbed is very large (10.10 the steel market long material and plank inventory is September respectively soar 16.8 tons and tons wire of relative amplitude, 3.36 4.9 and 8.2 per cent), circulation business mindset urgent delivery, 5) to the international market declines razor barbed wire and capital chain pressure "speed reduction of the sellers delivery" become common strategy. Comprehensive, we think the price of steel razor wire wheel tumbled to completely due to demand factors, the circulation of panic psychology and shang pessimistic concentrated in played ignored barbed wire fueled role. In the long run, the demand is gradually restored steel
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